Web Future Sites
The Aspen institute

The Aspen Institute

Meeting place for politicians and scientists to discuss the future of the world, the model of the Aspen Institute inspired many Think Thanks around the world.

International Society of Artificial Life

Artificial Life Links

Links to laboratories doing research on artificial life : micro-robots, computer simulations, self-reproducing molecules.

The Bionomics Institute

Bionomics Institute

A research Institute working on the relationships between biology, ecology and economics. This Institute organizes interesting international conferences.

Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

Cité des sciences et de l'industrie

The home page of the famous Cite des Sciences et de l'Industrie in Paris, the largest science museum in the world. An open window on the third millennium.

La Prospective

Chaire de Propective Industrielle du CNAM

Over the past 17 years, the Chaire de prospective industrielle has become a major European centre for futures research. Currently held by Professor Michel Godet, the Chair belongs to the economics and management departments of the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) which is a public institution of higher education under the supervision of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research. As such, the Chair guides and prepares CNAM graduate students and doctoral candidates in futures research and strategic planning.

The Club Of Rome

The Club of Rome

The Club of Rome, founded in 1968 in Rome, is a group of scientists, economists, businessmen, international high civil servants, Heads of State and former Heads of State from the 5 continents, who are convinced that the future of humankind is not determined once and for all and that each human being can contribute to the improvement of our societies.

Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies

Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies

The objective of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies is to strengthen the basis for decision-making in public and private organisations by creating awareness of the future and highlighting its importance to the present.


Davos World Economic Forum

Davos World Economic Forum

A unique gathering of world leaders in a Swiss Alp ski resort. The World Economic Forum is today the foremost international membership organization integrating leaders from business, government and academia into a partnership committed to improving the state of the world.

Foresight Institute

Foresight Institute

This research center is devoted to nanotechnologies (engineering the infinitely small) : micromachines, micro-robots, molecular electronics. Created and animated by Eric Drexler, this Center plays a controversial but significant role in this fast growing field.




A group of international experts implements technological and social forecasting techniques, competitive intelligence and futurist studies to prepare the world of tomorrow.


Global Business Network

Global Business Network

A virtual network of consultants, futurologists and management specialists working on the major organizational issues for the beginning of the 21st century.

Institute for the Future

Based in Silicon Valley, California, The Institute for the Future is a non profit research firm specializing in long term forecasting, alternative future scenarios and the impact of new products and next-generation technologies on society and business.

Institute of Nano Technology

Institute of Nano Technology

Links to sites dedicated to one of the most promising technologies for the industries of tomorrow : nanotechnology machining at the molecular level.

MIT Media Lab

MIT Media Lab

The famous MIT research laboratory on the medias of the future. Managed by Nicolas Negroponte, author of "Being Digital", this laboratory plays a pioneering role in multimedia, networks and man/machine interfaces.

OECD International Futures Programme

OECD International Futures Programme

A list proposed by OECD on major international cooperation programs in futurology.

Principia Cybernetica Web

Principia Cybernetica Web

An extraordinary experience of collective creation on the Web : an international group of research scientists is writing an hypertext on the global brain created by the interconnection of men, computers and network. A quantum leap into the third millennium.


Santa Fe Institute

Santa Fe Institute

A pluridisciplinary research center where physicists, biologists, sociologists or economists work on complexity and the  applications of chaos theory.

Technology Futures, Inc.

Technology Futures, Inc.

A consulting group specialized in technological forecasting.

Things That Think

Things That Think

One of Medialab's research programs devoted to interactive "thinking".

World Future Society

World Future Society

A reference site for future research. Many links towards sites and international programs on futurology. 


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