Global Brain conference

Internet Epigenetics: how to modify DNA from inside

Evolution Complexity & Cognition group / Global Brain Institute seminar, Brussels, 07-12-12

Global Brain conference

Global Brain Group conference (2001)

Bioelectronic man/machine Interfaces and Symbiotic Intelligent Environments, July 2001

Fractal Time and Time as Capital - New Ways to Experience Time


Symposium ISST- AFAS "Time and Globalization"
Palais de la Découverte - Paris, Novembre 5, 1999

Multimedia and information highways : challenges and prospects for the year 2000


Conference Investment Forum, Hotel Beau Rivage, Lausanne, November 6th 1998

Protection Of Intellectual Property Assets : A Biological Metaphor


The New York International Festival of the Arts
December 13, 1994

Teaching And Learning Through Interactive Media Exhibition


Gordon Research Conference

Irsee, Germany, September 29, 1994

The Communication Revolution Has Not Started Yet


KEMA Conference - October 26, 1993

Molecular Information Processing And Molecular Electronic Devices


Fifth International Conference On Langmuir-Blodgett Films - August 26-30, 1991

Impact Of Advanced Technologies On Organizations And Human Ressources


TETRA PAK Conference - Baltic sea, June 11-17, 1991

The Manager In a Changing Technological Environment


Industrial Management Conference - Paris, Jan 19, 1989


New Book

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